The Rite of Spring
I have been struck by the beauty and force of the
reinterpretation by Pina bausch of "Le sacre du
printemps" (The Rite of Spring) from the work of the
russian composer Igor Stravinsky. The ballet in its
contemporary form has been rendered to a simple dirt
covered stage with two often rival groups; men and
These two groups will clash and bond throughtout the
piece, celebrating the return of spring until the
choosing of a young woman to sacriface herself by
dancing to her death in a pagan ritual.

Jeu du Rapt (Ritual of Abduction)
Young girls arrive from the river, in single
file. They begin the "Dance of the Abduction".
This series of prints, through different scenes, is
my attempt at depicting the emotions and
relationship between humans, gender and the violence
that we inflict to one another and our inability to
weigh in and prevent the eventual sacrifice that has
been implicitly accepted by the group.
Past the obvious black and white aspect of german
expressionism, the physical distortion of the
dancers with each knife strokes on the linoleum and
the inner conflict that the participant of this
morbid rital goes through instantly made sense to me
that it had to be represented via linocut.

Rondes printanières (Spring Rounds)
The young girls dance the Khorovod, the "Spring